Monday, October 26, 2009

Blue State Trends

A cleaned up version here.
What with all the babies expected around these parts, the music makin' has slowed to a crawl.

Blue State Trends III.mp3


Jon said...

Dance remix! The guitars need more separation - both panning and EQ.

amalkus said...

Noted. It's listenable now, though, right?

Jon said...

Eh, it gets pretty jumbled between the two rhythm guitars, which inhabit the exact same sonic space while playing counter rhythms - mainly during the "Don't confuse taste..." part. Hard panning might be enough to address the problem.

And I offer criticism in the hopes that you'll return the favor soon (when you get a break from fatherly duties).

amalkus said...

Criticize away. When and if we get serious, we'll need some help producing.
In recording, mixing, etc. I find I have little idea what to do and less patience to try and find out.
Also, how does one record the bass guitar?

Jon said...

Bass guitar is often recorded direct, but the output signal is lower than a mic, so you may need a DI box.

You'll also want to use compression, since the volume can fluctuate dramatically.

Finally, pay attention to tone. It's easy to think "roll off all the highs and make it sit in the 60-80 Hz range" but that can end up just sounding too muddy. You want some bite to come through, too.

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